About Marshall Æon

Marshall Æon is an entrepreneur, writer, YouTuber, and CEO of SearchGen, a groundbreaking digital marketing agency specializing in optimizing brands for Google’s Search Generative Experience. Marshall is the creator of a popular Enneagram personality assessment and the host of a YouTube show based on Integral Theory called “The trans-Apocalyptic Oasis.”

Marshall Æon’s extensive entrepreneurial ventures:

Marshall has founded multiple companies, including SearchGen in 2023, Personality Science in 2017, Agent Formula in 2010, Secret Weapon in 2006, WineQ.com in 2006, and Sea Change Nutraceuticals in 2004.

Marshall Æon is the CEO and founder of SearchGen, a groundbreaking digital marketing agency specializing in optimizing brands for Google’s Search Generative Experience.

SearchGen optimizes content, companies, and personal brands for Generative AI Search (particularly Google’s Search Generative Experience). SearchGen differs from traditional SEO by its focus on optimizing for knowledge graphs and building trust rather than on keywords and backlinks. SearchGen helps brands obtain knowledge panels on Google, which means Google is confident in their understanding of that brand. They then incorporate that brand into their knowledge graphs, and ultimately into their Knowledge Vault, which is a major source for their Generative AI and Search Generative Experience. 

Marshall Æon is the Founder and CEO of Personality Science from 2017 to 2024. 

Marshall Æon created an online Enneagram personality type assessment that quickly became one of the most popular Enneagram tests on the web. Marshall Æon also provides coaching services using the Enneagram.

Marshall Æon was Co-Founder of The Agent Formula from 2010 to 2013. 

Agent Formula is a highly-automated, rich-media, internet marketing platform for real estate agents based on Ruby on Rails. Marshall Æon built the business from the ground up. He established a highly-responsive customer service system. He architected and executed a marketing strategy, which included video, email and social media marketing. Marshall developed and executed a sales strategy and directed the sales team.

Marshall Æon was Founder and CEO of Secret Weapon from 2006 to 2017.

Secret Weapon was a full-service web development and digital marketing agency. Marshall Æon’s clients at Secret Weapon included Great Insurance Jobs, OrlandoJobs.com, The Enneagram Institute, and The Diamond Approach (Ridhwan School). Marshall Æon was a presenter at the 2013 Digital Web & Design Innovation Summit in San Francisco.

Marshall Æon was Founder and CEO of WineQ.com from 2006 to 2009.

WineQ was an online wine club that allowed members to queue up wines from different California wineries and receive regular shipments of those wines. When Amazon decided to enter the wine business in 2008, 20 of their employees signed up for WineQ and logged over 1000 page views. Amazon copied several unique features of WineQ.

Marshall Æon was Founder and CEO of Sea Change Nutraceuticals from 2006 to 2016.

Sea Change Nutraceuticals was an e-commerce store offering pharmaceutical grade omega-3 fish oil supplements. Marshall Æon built this business from the ground up because of his passion for health.